Education for students in grades 1–6

Education for students in grades 1-6, FIRST RECONCILIATION & FIRST COMMUNION

To enroll your child in the English-speaking religious ed program, please stop by at the parish office on the dates that are schedule in the parish calendar, usually is between July- august, classes start on September. Classes are weekly on Thursdays. There is a $125 registration fee due on the day you sign up your child.


Para inscribir a su hijo en el programa de educación religiosa, por favor pase por la oficina parroquial en las fechas programadas en el calendario parroquial, generalmente entre julio y agosto, las clases comienzan en septiembre. Las clases son semanales los lunes para primer año y martes para segundo año. Hay una tarifa de inscripción de $ 125 que se debe pagar el día que inscriban a sus niños.

Youth Confirmation

Schedules Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation is a one-year program, open to teens starting their freshman year of high school, or older. Classes are held weekly. The curriculum is divided into two broad sections:

Catechesis: Candidates learn what the Catholic Church believes and teach through lecture and discussion. Each candidate is given a Compendium Catechism of the Catholic Church and a Bible.

Discipleship: Candidates learn the life of the universal Church through 4 units of study: Prayer, Study, Generosity, & Evangelization. Each candidate visits a religious order of their choosing and a weekend-long retreat in preparation for the sacrament of Confirmation.

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)


The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the process of spiritual and intellectual preparation through which adults, who are either new to Catholicism (baptized and unbaptized) or those who were baptized Catholic that has yet to receive Confirmation and First Holy Communion, are received into full communion with the Roman Catholic Church.

Following an internal prompting, adults, who desire to understand and learn about the person of Jesus Christ and the Church which He Himself established, are guided along this ancient path which connects this internal movement to the tangible external realities of that initial desire — that is, an authentic encounter with Christ in the Eucharist.

Though hope is always present within us, there is never an obligation to enter The Church at the conclusion of this process, or even to complete the process in its entirety. This inquiry process is intended to help you understand by the faculty of human reason and spiritual discernment what God is calling on you to become and to live out that calling.  Through historical, scriptural, and spiritual reading, group instruction, one-to-one meetings, and personal spiritual direction, this path we call RCIA will help you to know and respond to that silent voice which is beckoning you to the life which you were created to live – a life deeply connected to God, a life of holiness and communion.

Take the first step by speaking to our parish office at (650) 726-4674.


El Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos (RICA) es el proceso de preparación espiritual e intelectual a través del cual los adultos, que son nuevos en el catolicismo (bautizados y no bautizados) o aquellos que fueron católicos bautizados que aún no han recibido la Confirmación y la Primera Comunión, son recibidos en plena comunión con la Iglesia Católica Romana.

Siguiendo un impulso interno, los adultos, que desean comprender y aprender sobre la persona de Jesucristo y la Iglesia que Él mismo estableció, son guiados por este camino antiguo que conecta este movimiento interno con las realidades externas tangibles de ese deseo inicial, es decir, un auténtico encuentro con Cristo en la Eucaristía.

Aunque la esperanza siempre está presente dentro de nosotros, nunca existe la obligación de ingresar a La Iglesia al final de este proceso, o incluso de completar el proceso en su totalidad. Este proceso de indagación tiene como objetivo ayudar a comprender, mediante la facultad de la razón humana y el discernimiento espiritual, lo que Dios los está llamando a convertirse y a vivir ese llamado. A través de la lectura histórica, bíblica y espiritual, la instrucción en grupo, las reuniones individuales y la dirección espiritual personal, este camino que llamamos RICA te ayudará a conocer y responder a esa voz silenciosa que te está llamando a la vida que tu quieres, y que está creada para vivir - una vida más profunda conectada con Dios, una vida de santidad y comunión.

Dé el primer paso llamando a nuestra oficina parroquial al (650) 726-4674.

Our Lady of the Pillar Academy

Our Lady of the Pillar Academy is an independent Catholic classical curriculum K-8 school run here at our parish. Our mission is to build abundant and joyful lives in our children and families through cultivation in faith, reason and virtue. For more information, please check out our website.