Parish Ministries

Altar servers

To be an altar server is not simply to provide a necessary set of services during the Mass.  After all, the priest and deacons could do those things. You are not there simply to be useful.  The priest relies on his altar servers, yes, but the reason is far greater, nobler, more powerful, and more true than you might assume. In the capacity of an altar server, you are joining with the priest in leading the people of God, in the worship of God.  If you understand this, you will come to see the real importance of what you are doing in a whole new light.

"Our worship on earth reflects the worship in heaven. What we do here at the holy sacrifice of the Mass is a kind of distant echo of what goes on in heaven. There, the Lamb of God is offered in one timeless and eternal sacrifice. There the saints and angels worship around the throne of the Lamb. In that city there is no sun, moon, or stars, for the Lamb Himself is the light of that city. This altar you see here is a reflection of the altar in heaven. This chalice is a sign of the eternal Precious Blood of the Lamb. This host is, on earth, the sign of the Eternal Bread of heaven. The priest is an icon of Christ the Lord…" — Father Dwight Longenecker

Who then is the altar server in this image of the divine worship? The altar server represents and reflects on earth those we call the heavenly host – that is, the saints and the angels who surround the throne of Christ in praise and worship.

Why Should I Become An Altar Server?

What Does It Mean To Be An Altar Server?

Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist

We are currently working on various areas of the website and hope to have this information available to our parish community shortly.  Please contact our parish office at (650) 726-4674 for assistance and updated information.  Thank you!


We are currently working on various areas of the website and hope to have this information available to our parish community shortly.  Please contact our parish office at (650) 726-4674 for assistance and updated information.  Thank you!

Music ministry

At Our Lady of the Pillar, we hold an aspirational goal of enriching our parish community’s worship experience through the power of a liturgical music program that responds to the spiritual needs of our people.

We learn from St. Celia that she sang in her heart, and sometimes with her voice. She has become a symbol of the Church’s conviction that good music is an integral part of the liturgy, of greater value to the Church than any other art.

Your generous donations help us enrich our music ministry with a director of music for the training and formation of our parish based musicians.  Please consider this ministry with your one time or ongoing support. We all thank you!

“Liturgical action is given a more noble form when sacred rites are solemnized in song, with the assistance of sacred ministers and the active participation of the people… Whenever sacred action is to be celebrated with song, the whole body of the faithful may be able to contribute that active participation which is rightfully theirs…. Religious singing by the people is to be skillfully fostered, so that in devotions and sacred exercises, as also during liturgical services, the voices of the faithful may ring out.” — Musicam Sacram, Constitution on the Liturgy

Parish Groups


All Legion of Mary at Our Lady of the Pillar

The Legion of Mary is an organization of Catholic men and women offering their services to our parish clergy to aid them in performing spiritual works in the parish.  With the help of Mary, they can develop greater holiness in their own lives as well as spreading a deeper devotion to Mary among others. In other words, the evangilization and sanctification of the members and the Christian formation of their conscience.

Our objectives

The personal sanctification of its members taking Mary as their model to imitate her virtues, especially, Faith, Charity, and Humillity.

Spread devotion to Mary mainly by encouraging the recitation of the Rosary.

The peformance of apostolic work under the direction of the Spiritual Director of  the parish unit of the Legion.

Types of Membership

There are two types of membership:

Active Members — Requires a willingness to fulfill each and every duty which membership in the Legion  involves:

Attendance of a weekly meeting of the Praesidium;

Daily recitation of the Catena (Legion Prayer);

The performance of a substantial assigned apostolic work weekly.  Example ofapostolic work; visiting and bringing Communion to the homebound, sick in hospitals and Nursing Homes, greeting new members of the parish, spreading devotion to the Rosary, assisting the priest as Eucharistic Minister, Lector, and Altar Server during the daily Mass;

An obligation not to discuss with other matters learned at the meeting or in connection with their work.

Auxiliary Members — Praying members.  All prayers are to be offered for the intentions of our Blessed Lady.

Daily recitation of the prayers in the Legion Tessera;

Daily praying of the Rosary.


The Knights of Columbus (KOC) is a global Catholic fraternal service order founded by Blessed Fr. Michael J. McGivney in 1882.  We are Catholic men who support our parish community through good works.  The KOC also offers insurance and financial advisory services to the Brothers. Our Council was founded in 1964. We have over 100 Brothers.  

We meet every third Tuesday at 7:00 pm in the Old Hall for dinner, camaraderie, and a discussion on how we can better serve the OLP community.  Annual dues are currently $35.  Father Mark is our Chaplain.  Among other things, our Brothers usher, lector and serve as EMEs at Mass, we assist in the monthly adoration and post-Mass reception, we have a booth at the Pumpkin Festival, we host an annual Christmas celebratory dinner for OLP volunteers, and we do other things around the parish.  Other projects are being considered.

If you are interested in becoming a Knight, please contact our Grand Knight, Paul Reidl, or simply show up at one of our Tuesday meetings.  Paul’s contact information is: or (650) 560-8530.


→  October 2024→  September 2024

St. Vincent de Paul Society

“Lord, help me to make time today to serve you in those who are most in need of encouragement or assistance.” — St. Vincent de Paul

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul at Our Lady of the Pillar parish provides person to person services to families and individuals facing emergency situations by sharing time, talent and resources in a spirit of love and humility. Feeding and clothing the needy and the homeless, keeping families housed, offering basic survival necessities, SVdP is the safety net for those in need in our community.

Services provided

We serve the working poor, low income seniors, homeless, single parents, the unemployed and the disabled through our food pantry and home visits. These services are provided without regard to race, religion, creed or ethnic origin. General services provided include, but are not limited to:

food programs;

homeless care;

visiting the sick;

emergency shelter assistance;

rent and utilities assistance;

Thanksgiving and Christmas programs;

emergency transportation;

senior and shut-in care;

clothing and household needs.


Anyone needing assistance may request help by simply calling  (650) 726-8177.  A St. Vincent de Paul Conference member will call to schedule a home visit.


When you give, love grows in the hearts and homes of our neighbors in need…

Every day,  we hear stories of people in our community looking to SVdP as their source of hope.  Help us make a difference today by contributing to our Fifth Sunday collections for SVdP, by dropping a monetary donation off at our food pantry or the parish office.

We are not currently accepting donations of food or clothing.

Please do not leave ANY items on the church Grounds.

Food Pantry Hours

Our Lady of the Pillar

4:00 PM — 6:00 PM

10:00 AM — Noon

Our Lady of Refuge

Noon — 1:00 PM

St. Anthony’s

Every 2nd and 4th Saturday
3:00 PM — 5:00 PM

Become a volunteer

"Lord teach us to step outside ourselves. Teach us to go out into the streets and manifest your loves." — Pope Francis

We welcome volunteers of all ages and backgrounds to join us in our efforts to help improve the lives of those we serve.  Each year our volunteers give generously of their time contributing over 9000 hours.  If you are interested in volunteering, please call (650) 712-1770.

You can use SignUp to see the open time slots for volunteer opportunities:

Sacramental Certificates

Request Form

If you have any questions before filling out or returning a form please call our main office number at (650) 726-4674.

Immigration Resources

Assistance and resourses